
Wednesday 30, 2021

Presentation of the findings on the analysis of the 2019/20 CAG’s Report on the Policy Forum April 2021 Breakfast Debate, Former Controller and Auditor General and Executive Director at Wajibu Institute of Public Accountability (WIPA) Mr. Ludovick Utoh initiated the dialogue by acknowledging the efforts of the CAG CPA. Charles Kichele. Next he presented the analysis that gave insight and attention on several issues and later bestowed recommendations.

He highlighted that the Government Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) systems are weak functioning, there is a missing system modules and linkages between sectors, thus he recommended the government to conduct review and find ways to consolidate related systems to enable online audit. The impact of COVID-19 on the audit scope, Utouh highlighted 43 Embassies and High Commission were not audited due spread of the pandemic.

Ms. Rehema Tukai was one of the discussant, who called upon citizens to read the report, that it is from the reports people will be able to analyze and question their leaders about their funds. She also sighted on the 10% loans distributed to the councils to support (WYPD) groups that the returns are not satisfying, the public has no enough business education that will help them produce, generate profit and pay back the loan.There is a need of using technology in monitoring the returns of the money.

The Executive Director at TWAWEZA, Aidan Eyakuze proposed of accountability system by reflecting from what other nations are doing, gave an example of ProZorro a system adopted in Ukraine and  similar open government initiative on cohesion policy in Italy known as OpenCoesione. All these systems are the best tool to ensure transparency and public scrutiny. He advised the public to attend the village meetings to be able to learn more and question on use of public funds.

Additionally, the former CAG, Mr. Ludovick Utouh presented a few recommendations as results of the analysis and announced the Accountability report launched will be in June, 2021. The recommendations stated, increased rate of implementation of both the CAG’s and Parliamentary Oversight Committee’s recommendations. The public sector Accountants appointing authority should adopt use of carrot and stick approach in enforcing application of IPSASs and IFRSs in preparing financial statements and the government (eGA) to develop standards ICT Policy template for adoption in all government MDA’S and LGA’s.









Mr. Ludovick Utoh during Q& A session

"WAJIBU Institute of Public Accountability is honoured to use a platform like Breakfast debate, as it invites delegates, policy makers, media who are close to the community to participate and learn more about existing policy matters that impacts a local citizen. As for today's discussion on the CAG Report will reach the local ciitzens and understand how the public institutions utilizes their resources for the people's benefit".

