The role of service provision at local level can be affected by minimum public participation on supporting the development projects. Education is crucial in ending poverty, for that Policy Forum through “Kusini na Maendeleo” a community radio program to support collaborative effort local government and  citizens by advocating the public participation.

Mtendachi Pupil
Mr. Salum at the Kusini na Maendeleo radio program by Safari FM

Mtendachi village located at Mtwara region missed primary school, where children had to walk a distance of more than two kilometers to the neighbor village just in search of education, the risk and distance challenges made parents to stop enrolling their children to school. As the late father of the nation Mwl. Julius Nyerere use to say, " Education is the necessary weapon to fight poverty", unfortunately the Mtendachi village lacked that weapon.

The "Kusini na Maendeleo" radio program  by Safari FM a community radio supported by Policy Forum, which advocated on public participation in development, gave a room to the Mtendachi Chairperson Mr. Salum Muhindi, the platform enabled him to mobilize funds from different stakeholders and the community members, for the completion of building the Primary school at Mtendachi.

Long Term Benefits

The completion of the two classrooms for Mtendachi Primary, has brought joy to the children of Mtendachi as their future is sharpened with access to quality education. But not only the Mtendachi children even parents are now pleased with their efforts Salome Mandawa is one of the parents at the village she said, " I took pride in cultivating land and contributing to the construction of the classrooms my children and grand children an opportunity for the better future". 

The building of the two classrooms as Mtendachi Primary
The building of the two classrooms as Mtendachi Primary

Lessons Learnt

  • Partnership is necessary in achieving sustainable development, the collaborative efforts of parents and local government, also partnership of CSOs and community radios lead to building  classrooms for Mtendachi primary which led to achievement of sustainable development goal 04 #quality_education.
  • Community radios play vital role in promoting changes in the community, just as the Safari FM at Mtwara, through the "Kusini na Maendeleo"  radio program managed to advocate  public participation in building of classrooms for a primary school.
  • Leaders at local level should be frontline to mobilize and advocate for changes and development  to their people, this will enhance public accountability and good governance, as an example Mtendachi village chairperson.