
Friday 30, 2021

Food system stability can be assured by Food availability, food acess and food utilization.  Food Security is underpinned by Food Systems and is affected by natural and human changes. 2 billion people in the world had no regular access to safe, nutritious and sufficient food.

Presenting the Topic of Food Security in Tanzania: Investing in Youth for Sustainable and Resillient food systems, at Policy Forum's Breakfast debate. Werner Hillary from Tanzania Youth Coallition (TYC), highlighted challenges embarking food systems in Tanzania, that includes change in climate, fragile food storage systems, the challenge of  food transportation and the COVID-19 pandemic affects the accesibility of food, leaving us with a quesion, if our food systems can keep up with these changes?

In support to food insecurity, Hon. Neema Lugangira was on among the discussant who argued, "Instead of using Follic acids and Iron supplements to AGYW, we can use organic food to tackle the challenge of Anaemia and save this group", and so she adviced Youth to take the challenges of food insecurity as opportunity.

Dickson Alex was another discussant who represented the youth enterpreneurs, he presented the financial constrains that youth face, the financial institutions like banks desire for collaterals which many youth do not have. "They say give me collateral. I do not have house nor farms what will I give," added Dickson.

"We have moved from Collateral to some form of guarantee", Hon. Humphrey PolePole replied. He called upon youth to make use of the 10% loans provided by the council, to overcome the challenges of access to funds. In order to overcome food insecurity there should be a balance between food supply side and food demand side.

Werner winded up the discussion by insisting that youth is an eligible group in production, we need to restructure our agricultural systems and policies to strengthen our food security systems without undermining health and nutritious diets.




Beneficiary of the platform

"Breakfast Debate is the most suitable platform to reach more stakeholders, youth and policy makers where we can discuss about food system and reach out a better strategic sollution towards food security and inspire more youth to engage in agricultural sector".

