
We shall not defeat any infectious disease that plague the developing world until we have also won the battle of safe drinking water, sanitation and basic health care

Kofi Annan
The seventh Secretary-General of United Nations
Wednesday 4, 2019

Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) is still a challenge to many African countries including Tanzania. The issue of period poverty still affects a woman and the girl child regardless of the continuous effort by UNICEF, World Bank and UN through WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene).

There factors contributing to period poverty or menstrual hygiene issues among them are poverty, low income, bad cultural practices and public awareness contributing to stigma, poor health, school drop outs, unintended pregnancy, early marriage and even spread of STIs through transactional sex.

Mwanaidi Mwilima becomes a catalyst for change against period poverty as she introduces Jollie Reusable pads which are organic sanitary pads and  lasts up to one year making it a more sustainable solution. Her  focus is to help the girl child attain quality education where period does not become an obstacle with easy access to sanitary products.



"To these kinds of pads we benefit from them much, they are functional, adorable and re-usable, we do not have to miss class or feel shy any more".

