
Friday 27, 2021

Improved Community Health Fund (iCHF) is about to become a reality in Tanzania. Religious leaders are among various stakeholders that have submitted their recommendations on the policy to be tabled at the parliament for review.

In the 0800am Breakfast Debate, through the Interfaith Standing Committee on Economic Justice and Integrity of Creation (ISCEJIC), religious leaders presented challenges and lessons drawn from many years of implementing iCHF in Tanzania and findings from various researches conducted on community health.

ISCEJIC is a faith-based committee comprising religious leaders from the Christian Council of Tanzania (CCT), Tanzania Episcopal Conference (TEC), and The National Muslim Council of Tanzania to effectively pursue social and economic justice. Since 2017, ISCEJIC has advocated for iCHF in Tanzania to enable every Tanzanian to access quality health care.

Sheikh Khamis Mataka, Chairman of BAKWATA National Executive Committee, and Rev. Bishop Federick Shoo, Chairman of Christian Council of Tanzania (CCT), led the discussion held at Four Points, Dar Es Salaam.




Dr. Sarah Deogratius, Hospital Director - Cardinal Rugambwa Hospital

iCHF is an essential service for both rural and urban areas. At Cardinal Rugambwa Hospital in Dar Es Salaam, after conducting free screening for various diseases, among them blood pressure and cervical cancer, we found that out of 689 patients, 80% did not have health insurance, despite having ailments that needed further attention.

