Lack of a proper formula for resource utilization and monitoring is a looming challenge. For Kiteto Municipal Council, attending Social Accountability and Monitoring training has had several benefits.  As result of the training, councilors are now able to effectively monitor resources which has led to an increase in revenue collection and completion of development projects for the benefit of the community.

Councilors of Kiteto.

A challenge with new councilor at the Kiteto Council in Dodoma, 80% of the new councils  they , lacked capacity on how to conduct the meetings, budget planning, poor management of  resources and poor monitoring and evaluation of the development projects . as a result delay and insufficient service delivery, poor utilization of public funds which resulted to underdevelopment.

Number of claims were made, which influenced the council in collaboration with Policy Forum to conduct SAM training to the new councilors, the training focused 3 U  " Ufafanuzi, Uthibitisho na Uhalali" the capacity building of the councilors, understand their roles and responsibility, management of public funds and ensure proper utilization of the resources for development.


Long Term Benefits

Good governance, having leaders who are capable of managing the public resources, plan and utilize the public resources for the benefit of the people.The training helped Kiteto councilors to build Kiteto dispensary resulting to sustainable good health and well being. The training resulted to long term effect as new Kiteto councilors can now budget, monitor and evaluate development projects in their councils promoting sustainable development.

Lessons Learnt

  • Trainings are necessary, as they enable councilors perform responsively their duties and enhance development at local level.
  • Accountability and responsiveness to local leaders help to foster and improve service delivery at the community.
  • The SAM training ehnhanced managerial capabilities and evaluation of the development projects to ensure effective service delivery to their localities.