
Friday 26, 2020

PF operates with two working groups: The Budget Working Group (BWG) and the Local Governance Working Group (LGWG) that bring together members to influence national level budget processes and open participatory spaces at the local level respectively.

The presentation is based on the research for Open Budget Survey conducted from 2010 to 2019. Presnting the findings to stakeholders based on 3 areas, thus Transparency, Public Participation looking at the pillars Executive and legislature how they engage the public in the budget process. Budget process the extent to which the oversight bodies in the Open Budget Process, the supreme institution and legislature play their role in the budget process especially in the planning and implementation process.



Godfrey Boniventura, Researcher- Open Budget Survey

The Open Budget Survey measures three things availability, timeline and amount of details in the document. The delay of posting the information affects the reliabibility of the information. Effective Citizen participation , need suppport from the Executive, to create formal  mechanism and platform for citizen to engage in the budget process, this will raise awareness and provide chance for citizen to participate in the entire budget process.

