A successful advancement and implementation of SDGs is not a role only for the CSOs. Inadequate institutional arrangements to coordinate the implementation of SDGs in many countries present a definite hurdle in CSOs endeavor towards achieving the goals.

The two years Strategic Plan (SP) for policy forum focus on bringing about changes over the contribution  claims, through advocacy and policy influence. There has been a claim on poor understanding,  monitoring and implementation of the sustainable development goals at local level.

Reynald Maeda - UNA Secretary General

A successful advancement and implementation of SDGs is not a role only for the CSOs. Inadequate institutional arrangements to coordinate the implementation of SDGs in many countries present a definite hurdle in CSOs endeavor towards achieving the goals.

In Tanzania, UNA a member-based CSO and a member with Policy Forum, delivered an open discussion on how best members can implement and monitor the SDGs at local level on 0730 Breakfast Debate. The objective was to gain a platform to engage the government to support the effective translation of SD goals into local and national policies.


Long Term Benefits

The 2017-2020 strategic plan (SP) of Policy Forum focused on strengthening the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) practices. the implementation of the two years new SP for program improvement has drawn positive results.

The sustainable development goals case story shows the monitoring and implementation of the sustainable development goals at local level by PO-RALG as they are linked to the development agendas which makes it result to sustainable services delivery like improved infrastructure, quality education, clean water and sustainable well being.

Lessons Learnt

  • Platforms like 0730 Breakfast Debate are necessary, as they provide a room for people to engage meaningfully and influence different stakeholders and development partners to take responsive actions towards policy implementations.
  • The linking of the sustainable development into the national development agendas is necessary as it guides the responsible authority to direct and utilize the resources towards the intended development goal for a long run which will help minimize future costs and will benefit the local community and future generations.
  • For the sustainable development goals to be achieved we need strong partnership between key stakeholders in implementation. Policy Forum was one among the stakeholders who supported the efforts of UNA through the 7:30 breakfast debate which helped in understanding more the SDGs  to the citizens and other development partners
  • The linking of the sustainable development into the national development agendas is necessary as it guides the responsible authority to direct and utilize the resources towards the intended development goal for a long run which will help minimize future costs and will benefit the local community and future generations.
  • The VNR (Voluntary National Reiew) report shows,  Tanzania has been implementing the sustainable development goals 4, 8 10,13,16 and 17 in a positive way regardless the fiscal and technological challenges facing the country, scalling up efforts will not only ensure the achievements but set a useful example to other countries.