
Action without vision is only passing time, vision without action is merely day dreaming but vision with action can change the world

Nelson Mandela
First President of South Africa
Friday 27, 2020

The improvements done on the Tanzania extractive sector, shows efforts made on tax administration and revenue management, however while the government strives to maximize the value of mining investment for funding other national development priorities like infrastructures, the mining companies seek for compensation for high risks associated with mining projects resulting to fiscal consequences, lack of fiscal framework and mineral development fund affects the implementation of the African Mining Vision in Tanzania.

The Analysis shows there are  effects on minimum engagement of the local community, in employment and decision making, benefit sharing to the communities hosting  on large extractive projects and issue of legal mechanism which affects the implementation of the AMV aspirations. 

Due to spread of COVID-19 pandemic, in consideration of the measures Policy Forum could not conduct the usual monthly Breakfast Debate, as the result came up with Virtual Debate Presentation on "The Analysis of the Implementation of the African Mining Vision (AMV) in Tanzania, 2017-2019" which contains a presentation made by Dr. Boniphace Luhende providing an overview of the state of the Mining sector in Tanzania , the gap analysis and the recommendations towards achieving the AMV aspirations.



Dr. Boniphace Luhende, Presenter on the debate

The government should consider the viability of establishment of the Mineral Development Fund as it is in the Oil and Gas sector, for effective management of mining revenues, also taking to take into account the  future price fluctuation of the minerals.

