
Friday 27, 2020

General Election took place on 28th October, 2020 on Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar with additinal day of 27th of October, 2020 for early voting in Zanzibar.

The Peminary observation reports women turnout as higher than men. One round of voters broke into two, NEC 29,118, 347 voters registered 50.33% Female and 49.67% male and ZEC 566,352 voters registerd 51.95% Female and 48.05% male.

Out of all the Parliamentary Seats, women won 24constituency seats and additional 113 women will enter as 'Special Seats' and 94 Members of Parliamnet from CCM and 19 from CHADEMA.

Affirmative actions in NEC, ZEC, ORPP and other electoral institutions to ensure women particpation in the decision-making process, increase numbers in leadership positions in the secretatriate and top-ranks of the electoral institutions. Moreover In patriachial sytem without legal enforcement parties will not comply to ensure gender sensitive.



Judith Kapinga, MP Women Special Seat - Ruvuma

"Women parliamentarians should come together in respective of their political affiliations to address issues affecting women like Gender based Violence and Maternal Mortality and make sure we are making progress on those issues".


